Sunday, November 20, 2011

ON MARRIAGE & AGE GAP (includes questions on Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore's break-up)

Ashton Kutcher + Demi Moore Shankbone 2010 by david_shankbone

(Photo by David Shankbone via Creative Commons search) 


So it's official, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore has finally split-up.  Talks of infidelity on Ashton's part and worsening fights between the two have pushed their six (6) year marriage to the breaking point.  For years they have defied the onslaught of speculation that marriage between a couple with a huge age gap would not last.  They have even proven that exes can be good friends and hang-out with each other (thanks to Bruce Willis and his forever-doting-father image).  Let us tackle this one by one. First, Ashton's infidelity.  We cannot say that his infidelity has stemmed from the fact that his wife is not taking care of herself (and has lost all her beauty) since Demi is a VERY beautiful woman with a gorgeous bod and an amazing self image.  One would ask, why the ---- has he strayed?!  Why did his excitement for Demi dampen?  Most would answer that his "young" blood is looking for someone more his age, full of energy, mettle and oomph...someone who can electrify his senses.  Boo!  Demi is not without mettle... she is as fit as hell with all those cuts on her bod!  She is someone a woman would want to be like when she reaches her forties.  But well... to each his own.  Let us go to the next issue then... their worsening fights.  What could have triggered these?  For sure we all don't know.  They have their own issues but infidelity may be one of the factors.  Financial?  I doubt, because cumulatively, they are both worth millions.  So regarding these two issues, can we safely say that age gap is the culprit?  I leave that question for you to answer.  :)


In olden times, men were encouraged to marry women five (5) to ten (10) years their junior to ensure their progeny.  It is because younger women would have a greater chance of bearing alot of children (read: "go forth and multiply").  Also, since women were often left at home to tend to their children and do tons of household chores, they should be fit and full of energy to be able to tend to their husbands' moral and carnal needs.  Some experts say, men should marry younger women because women's EQ and intelligence are more mature than their peers of the opposite sex.  But these days, where pregnancy may be aided by scientific means and contraptions, older women are given the chance to bear children despite advancement in age.  There are also alot of supplements to "allegedly" boost energy and libido.  And of course, education and social experience are two factors that aid men (and even women) in the maturation process.  When it comes to physical attributes, I beg to disagree with the saying that men, like wine, get (or taste) better with age and women like grapes become prunish with age.  Women also get better with age! Please know that there is the so-called hormonal replacement therapy for women that help them get the revitalization that they need.  So the big question remains... is AGE a determining factor in the success of a marriage? My answer is NO.  Because LOVE, RESPECT & UNDERSTANDING are the three big factors that influence marriage.  In love and marriage, age is just a NUMBER... a number that reminds you that yes, you are getting older but more often reminds you that another year is added to your calendar to be with the love of your life. :)


When I hear the word marriage, an image of my husband comes to mind.  An image of a loving man coming home from work, tired but smiling, eager to tell me what transpired during the day, eager to listen to what I have to tell him.  When I think further about marriage, an image of me comes to mind.  My image lovingly waiting for him at home with a cooked meal or waiting for him to pick me up from work, eager listen to him regarding what transpired during his day and eager to tell him what transpired during mine.  We have been married just short of four (4) years and had gone steady for another four years before taking our vows.  We have been best friends since and still are now but our relationship is not perfect.  We've had our share of ups and downs but have always managed to make it through because of respect, understanding and genuine love.  I am flawed... I talk too much, gnash my teeth when I sleep, often rearrange things at home or misplace some and get excited over the littlest things which more often than not, piques his ire.  He is flawed... he talks too much, snores when he sleeps, tinkers with our home gadgets or misplaces their parts and shushes me when I am excited over the littlest things (and tells me not to sweat the small stuff) which more often than not, piques my ire.  But despite the incessant talking, cacophony of sounds during sleep, misplaced and lost items, excitement and shushing, our relationship is getting stronger.  And as we go through the crossroads of "OUR LIFE", we never forget to be thankful for having each other because the incessant talking are intelligent discussions that see us through... the cacophony of sounds is the symphony that lulls us both to sleep... the misplaced or lost items are the ones that help us be together for days or hours on end looking for them and... the excitement and shushing, well, they are the typical Spunky and Spanky attitudes (the storm and the calm) that make us blend like coffee and cream.  ONE LOVE! ;)


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  2. Thank you good Sir. I hope you would enjoy my future articles! Keep on following!
