Thursday, November 17, 2011


If you are wondering why i only have a total of nine (9) posts in my blog...dearies, I have deleted the old ones. Now back to business, shall we? (Photo of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo courtesy of ABS-CBN)

Come on guys! Give the poor woman a break! Can you all see how emaciated she is? She deserves the right to better treatment options outside our country. Her family is asking for permission to travel because they want her to get the best treatment our good neighbors can offer.Who would not want the best for a family member? She was our former president and is the daughter of one of the most prolific former Presidents of our country. What message are we sending out to other nations, that most of us are ignorant of our own constitution? A hold departure order cannot be given to anyone who has no case filed against him/her. The solution? If you want her to stay in this country and face whatever charges you have against her, then file them first. We are a country that boasts of high Christian values. According to others we have the best family and social values but where are these so-called values now? Flushed down the drain because of anger, ignorance and frustration? We shouldn't act this way. There are people who have committed worse atrocities but what have we done? NOTHING. We are persecuting someone who has not been charged guilty beyond reasonable doubt of ANYTHING. Please remember, God is just. I don't want to sound preachy but people who have committed atrocities would face the consequences of their actions in the right venue, at the right time. Yes, yes, people might say that she may eventually sneak out and seek political asylum in God knows where but she hasn't. There are legislators, people of the cloth, educators and lay men who are anti-Gloria who are saying that she should be allowed to seek further treatment outside our country. To these people, I give my utmost respect and admiration. For me, these are the TRUE Christians. We all need to be level-headed and mature about these things. We are dwelling on a very petty issue when we have more important things to do, better legislations to pass and improvements that need to be focused on. Remember, RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT. She will respect this government and face whatever charges if respect will be given her. Just my two cents.

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